Eurosoft Pc Check 7
I was in a local computer repair shop, and I was chatting to the owner who showed me a laptop that he was running diagnostics on. He was using a program called PC-Checkup. It was a DOS based program, which ran diagnostics on just about every piece of hardware - the CPU, RAM, hard drive, video memory, the screen ect.
Oct 29, 2018 - PC-Check® - Upgrade v8-07 - Pc-Check continues to provide the greatest test. Pc-Check®v8.08 February 7, 2019; Pc-Check® UEFI v1.02.
It was nice to see you could do all these tests just from one single program. I want to use this program as well. Has anyone else seen/used this.
I googled it, and the closest I came to it was a Symantec tool called PC Checkup, but that doesn't have the same functionality. He did say he had paid for this program, if thats any help. Amazon UK Have PC-Doctor 7 for £246 at the moment.
If you contact PC-Doctor before buying they will offer you a free upgrade to 7.5. Lb link 80211 n driver. I bought this last week and I'm absolutely loving it.
My main reason for choosing this over the others is the printed reports and choice of Windows or Dos based testing. I was looking for some hardware testing to smoothly integrate into my healthcheck service that would print a decent report at the end and this ticked all boxes. As mentioned earlier you can customise the header of the reports so that it has your logo and details at the top. Very professional looking! The testing software seems to work as well. I've already had it pull up a dodgy stick of ram on a clients PC.
The PC was only in for a healthcheck and hadn't been reported as crashing so it wasn't something I was looking for. I need to give this some more thorough testing really but when I've done so I will report back.
It would be good if others could post their experiences also. I also own Micro 2000 so will try and knock up a comparison of the 2 when I get chance. One thing I would say about this type of software though is don't let it be your only form of diagnostics. I am only planning on using this as an overall test on PCs that come in for Healthchecks. For all other problems my first rout of call will always My own diagnostic skills. The bonus is that this can be run afterwards to check that nothing else has been missed or to stress test the PC.
Pc-Check Diagnostics Overview If you are having a problem with your system, you can use the Pc-Check diagnostic tests to diagnose and possibly solve the problem. The Pc-Check diagnostics can test and detect problems on all motherboard components, drives, ports, and slots. This program can be accessed and executed from ILOM. There are three options for running Pc-Check: • Manual--Runs Pc-Check in manual mode and brings you to a Pc-Check menu. • Enabled--Runs basic diagnostics and takes about three minutes.
• Extended--Runs detailed diagnostics and takes about 30 minutes. Running Pc-Check Diagnostics 1. Ensure that the host power is off.
Log in to the ILOM web interface. See one of the following: 3. Select the Remote Control tab and then the Diagnostics tab. The Diagnostics view opens as shown in: FIGURE 6-1 ILOM GUI: Diagnostics View 4. From the Boot drop-down list, select the level of Pc-Check diagnostics to be run.