Fifaconfig Exe Fifa 2011 Controller
April 20, 2011. If you want to configure your controller settings, then you can use x360ce emulator to play most games. There you can find 'fifaconfig.exe'.
Now you know what keys are for what. Next, you have to configure your keyboard to your likings. For that you cannot change the settings in FIFA 11 game itself, as you did in earlier versions. But go to the installation drive and find the folder 'FIFA 11', then go to 'Game', then find folder 'FIFA setup'.
Zte mf 279. There you can find 'fifaconfig.exe'. Click it and configure the settings for FIFA 11 with your keyboard keys.
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Calin intri in ”C: Program Files EA Sports FIFA 11 Game fifasetup” si dubluclick pe ”fifaconfig.exe”.Va rog mult cn stie sa configureze controalele ca la fifa 2008 eu numai asa am jucat si la fifa 09 si la fifa 10 am jucat cu controalele ca la 08.dar 11-le asta este incredibil nu reusesc de nici o culoare sa le fac.au preluat de la pes aceasta mare porcarie cu gamepad.pe fiecare an trebuie sa umble ei la controalejocul are grafica buna,imi place,dar puteau sa lase si acele setari pt tastatura sa se poata configura cu usurinta ca la versiunile anterioare.