
Pcb Logo Creator Script Files Download

Pcb Logo Creator Script Files Download 7,4/10 9600 reviews

This guide will explain how to take a Logo (or other simple image), that is in a digital format (BMP, JPG, PNG, etc), and turn it into a 2-tone Silk Screen Overlay in Altium Designer. The guide was created with AD10 but the process should be similar for other versions of Altium. This is a repost from this source: Preparing Your Image The idea behind preparing your image is that whatever goes on the PCB can really only be a two-toned image (ie: black and white).

Where BMP2ASC is the script file name. Bitmap.bmp is the bit map file name ascii.asc is the converted output in.asc format. 4.Import the.asc file to allegro board. CAD EXTRACTION FROM PCB DESIGN SOFTWARE. For ODB++ which means that you have to download a utility script from Valor. Printed circuit board layout (OPEN FILE).

As a result, to get the best looking PCB image possible, you need to do a little image work up front to ensure that your image works with the import process. You can use a number of image processing programs to do this work.

The instructions below are provided for GNU Image Manipulation Program (GIMP) version 2.6. GIMP is a cross-platfrom, free and open-source image manipulation program similar to Photoshop. Visit the official to learn more about it or download a copy. Midwest super stearman manuals in pdf order.

• Select your starting image. The best starting images are 2D images with only solid colors (ie: no gradients). For this example I’ll use a fairly “ideal” image. You can make others work, it just takes more hands-on detail work.

To begin with I’ve chosen this dashing picture of our beloved plumber/hero, Mario. • Open GIMP and Open our Mario image using the File->Open dialog (or by hitting Ctrl+O). • Firstly, lets try to convert this image in one step. Select Image->Mode->Indexed from the menu bar. • Choose “Use black and white (1-bit) palette” radio button and click “Convert” • This process essentially converts the image to gray-scale, puts a threshold somewhere and says “everything lighter will be White, everything darker will be Black”. In this case the image lost a lot of detail (not to mention there are a few blemishes represented by white dots in the black fields.

This doesn’t look good so we’re going to help the Converter make better decisions. • To maintain contrast we’ll lighten the areas we want to become white that previously got thresholded to black • Choose White (or any light color such as Yellow) for your foreground color • Select the Bucket Fill Tool (Shift+B) • Fill in areas, such as his Blue overalls, that you’d like to end up being White. - Pay attention to, and use, the “Threshold” option under the Bucket Fill Tool Options. I ended up using a Threshold of 125 for the Blue and Red areas and a Threshold of 50 for the Brown boots. • I left his face and hair alone because it turned out the way I wanted to the 1st time.

You could fill these without any negative consequence. • Now convert the image to 2-tone again 1. Select Image->Mode->Indexed from the menu bar. • Choose “Use black and white (1-bit) palette” radio button and click “Convert” • This looks much better but there are a few blemishes that we’d like to fix since the resulting logo will be, potentially, used many times. Using GIMP’s Pencil Tool we can fix any errant black or white dots. Select the Pencil Tool (N) • Choose a “Circle (01)” 1 pixel Brush from the Pencil Tool Options • Choose White (or Black) as the foreground color • Fix any areas you don’t like • That’s it!

We’re now ready to move on to the next step to import our prepared image into Altium. Importing the Image into Altium • Download the. • Extract the Scripts folder to “C: Program Files (x86) Altium AD 10 Examples ” (or whever your Altium Examples folder is located) • Run the PCBLogoCreator 1. If you’re going to be using this script a lot, load the PCBLogoCreator.PRJSCR Script Project into your Altium Workspace.

This can be done in 1 of 2 ways: - Navigate to “C: Program Files (x86) Altium AD 10 Examples Scripts Delphiscript Scripts PCB PCB Logo Creator” and double click “PCBLogoCreator.PRJSCR”. • Start Altium, select File->Open and navigate to PCBLogoCreator.PRJSCR and click “Open”.

• If you only want to use it sparingly you can do the following: 1. Start Altium • Click the “DXP” button in the upper left corner & select “Run Script” • Click “Browse” in the lower right and navigate to the PCBLogoCreator.PRJSCR file. Programma provedeniya instruktazha dlya liftera. Select it and click “Open”.