Polo Pc Software Download
Jan 8, 2016 - POLO- PC 2. 2 Tehran university - Tehran university Software Informer.Free download polo plus software Files at Software Informer. Aug 25, 2018 - POLO-PC 2002 by Tehran university. Versions: 1.0. File name: polopc.exe.
LeOra Software Company developed computer software in the late 1980's for analyzing quantal response bioassays using probit or logit regression analyses. The software was called PoloPC, and it was written in the ancient language of Fortran. Prezentaciya po istorii kazahstana na temu saki. The software was later updated to PoloPlus software written in C.
The newest version of the software was written in Java by a team of 5 programmers with a passion for quantitative analyses and problem solving. The Original PoloPlus software Is available for purchase. It is mounted on a USB drive, so it works well with any Windows version. Sale price is $200! Sorry, not available for Mac. Free download mp3 dewa 19 satu sisi 2017. *In one of the upgrades, the Help File was not attached to the installer.
You can download the Help File. The new Bioassays with Arthropod, 3rd Ed.
Book is now available from CRC Press and Amazon. In celebration, PoloSuite is on sale for $225 - over $100 off the regular price! PoloSuite automatic discount: Buy one at $225 and get another license for 50% off! (Cannot be combined with another discount code) If you need to renew, email me for special discount code for additional $$ off your renewal.
Article citations LeOra Software (1987) POLO-PC-a user’s guide to probit or logit analysis. LeOra Software, Berkeley. Has been cited by the following article: • TITLE: AUTHORS:,,, KEYWORDS: JOURNAL NAME:,, November 4, 2013 ABSTRACT: The biopesticide was prepared from locally available low cost ingredients: dried beef blood, molasses and mineral salts (ZnCl2, MgCl2, MnCl2, CaCl2CaCl2, and FeCl3) which were used as medium for the laboratory scale production of Bacillus thuringiensis (B.t.) bio-pesticide by shake flask technique. Indigenous B.t. Isolate PA-Sb- 46.3 which produced two crystals—bi-pyramidal and cuboidal was found 73.6 times toxic against H. Armigera than reference strain Bacillus thuringiensis var. Kurstaki (HD-I-S-1980) used.
Medium was fermented for 72 hours at 30℃ ± 2℃ and 160 rpm. 72 h fermented medium showed 95% - 99% sprulation, with spore yield of 3.97 × 109 spores/ml, and LC50 value to 1st instar larvae of H. Armigera was 0.53 μg/ml diet.
Preservatives and diluents used in the biopesticide were found to be effective to store at room temperature over a period of 30 months. These observations suggested that the biopesticide produced was effective and highly economical for the industrial scale production to manage H. Armigera in Pakistan.